Resolving Student Loan Debt Problems
Student loans are a heavy burden for many Americans of all ages. When you face high monthly payments and you simply do not have the money to pay them, you may wish to eliminate your debts in bankruptcy. Unfortunately, student loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings. However, there are other solutions that will enable you to get control of your student loan debt and ease the burden on your shoulders. At J. Robinson Law Firm, PLLC, our attorney can help you understand what your options are. We serve clients in Shelbyville, Frankfort and throughout central Kentucky.
Experienced Lawyer Helping You Solve Your Student Loan Debt Problems
Many types of debt are dischargeable in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but student loans are not one of them. If you have other types of debt, such as credit card debt, medical bills or other unsecured debts, you can eliminate them in Chapter 7 bankruptcy – and focus on paying off your student loans as soon as possible.
“With Congress dragging its feet on student loan reform and failing to pass legislation that would provide relief to people with student loans, it’s up to you to take the bull by the horns. I can help you do that.” ‒ Attorney John Christopher Robinson
Another option is Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which reorganizes your debt into a single monthly payment plan, allowing you to catch up and bring your accounts current. After making these payments for a period of time, the remaining balance of your debt will be eliminated.
A third option is negotiation. Our lawyer can negotiate with your student loan servicer to consolidate your loans, decrease your interest rate or reduce your monthly payment to an affordable amount.
Get The Help You Need Today
If your student loan debt overwhelms you, know that there are options that can help you get a handle on it. Contact our student loan lawyer at J. Robinson Law Firm, to learn more. Call us at 502-805-9602 or send an email.