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J. Christopher Robinson Law Firm, PLLC Legal Blog

Does it make sense to file for bankruptcy?

More and more Kentucky consumers have determined that filing for bankruptcy could be the way out of debt that’s spiraling out of control. Many have tried negotiating with creditors or consolidating debts. Some debts are more difficult to get rid of than others The promise of a fresh start is attractive. You get rid of the debt, and the phone…

Will filing bankruptcy eliminate your student loans?

Repaying student loan debt is a struggle many Americans are familiar with. Collectively, 45 million borrowers owe nearly $1.6 trillion. If you are among these borrowers and are feeling financial pressures from other sources, you may wonder whether filing bankruptcy will eliminate your student loan debt. In most cases it will not, though you have other options for reducing its…

How to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy

While no one wants to file bankruptcy, doing so can give you a fresh financial start. After your proceedings, you can start thinking about ways to manage your money better than before. If your bankruptcy stemmed from credit card debt or unpaid loans, you may consider whether you’re ready to use credit responsibly. Before you start, it’s important to learn…

Making The Decision To File For Bankruptcy

With a massive amount of debt including loans and credit card payments, many consumers might think that bankruptcy is the solution to getting back on the right financial track. When collectors continue to call and it seems like there is no way to get out from under the umbrella of being in debt, then bankruptcy might be the best option.…

Older people may not be as financially secure as they think

You may consider yourself financially comfortable at the current time. You may have enough to make ends meet, provide yourself and your family with a treat now and then, and have some money put away in savings. However, is feeling comfortable enough to keep possible debt issues at bay? Unfortunately, in most cases, financial stability does not mean that a…

Key steps to take after bankruptcy

In 2016, 766,000 Americans filed for bankruptcy, and there are many reasons why a person could choose to do so. For instance, Kentucky residents could experience a job loss or a medical bill that they can’t afford to repay. Those who choose to file for bankruptcy should learn the difference between a Chapter 7 filing and a Chapter 13 filing.…

How to improve a credit score after bankruptcy

People in Kentucky who are struggling with debt might hesitate to file for bankruptcy because of fears about being unable to rebuild their credit. However, according to one study by Lending Tree, nearly two-thirds of people who filed for bankruptcy had achieved a credit score of 640 or more after two years. The first step in improving credit after a…

How a bankruptcy proceeds

People in Kentucky who are struggling with debt may file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy based on their income. With Chapter 7, a person’s assets are liquidated to pay off creditors although some assets may be considered exempt. With Chapter 13, a person may pay off creditors with a payment plan that last for three or five years.…

